You can be forgiven if you are not sure what to make about some speciality produce. You may have seen organic micro greens at the store and not known what they are or how they can add to the meals you prepare for your family. Organic micro greens may be growing in popularity now but this is a recent development in the culinary arts. This is probably not something you grew up eating. Here are some facts about the tasty and colorful pants.
- Organic micro greens got their start in the San Francisco Bay Area. In the 1980s, chefs in the San Francisco area began using organic micro greens in their dishes. In the beginning, the only microgreens that were being used were beets, kale, cilantro and arugula. Chefs also used what was called a “Rainbow mix.” By the mid 1990s, people in Southern California began growing them. The term “micro green” was first used in the late 1990s. From California, they began moving east. They are now enjoyed all over the United States and in several other countries.
- True leaves microgreens are young plants. Typically, they are harvested between two to four weeks after the germination has occurred. The flavors and colors that are associated with micro greens are a lot more vibrant than other kinds of vegetables and herbs. They can be sweet, spicy or bitter. Micro green basil, for instance, has a stronger flavor than regular basil.
- Sprouts and organic micro greens are not the same thing. People often confuse the two but they are very different. Sprouts are not grown in the soil. The seeds are placed in water to germinate. While the term “organic micro greens” has no legal meaning, the term “sprouts” does. In order to be classified as a sprout, certain conditions must be met. There is more of a risk for microbial contamination with this kind of green so that is a big part of the reason for the rules and regulations These are also generally fully consumed, meaning the entire structure is eaten. This is not done with organic micro greens.
- You can get great quality organic micro greens at the store. Some people think that the only way to get the freshest micro greens is to grow them at home. As a consequence, there are lots of websites devoted to getting people to grow their own. The problem is that the process is labor and time intensive. The timing is very important to the correct cultivation of these foods. They need to be picked at just the right time. Also, there are a wide variety of organic micro greens out there. When you go to the store, you get them fresh and have more options.
- Get the right quality micro greens. There is a quality scale that is used for commercially available organic micro greens. The plants are rated from a scale of one to five. Five is the best quality, You should never buy them if they are rated one or two. When they get a rating of three, that is ok to cook and eat.
- Petite micro greens can get your kids excited about meal time. Research shows that kids respond better to colorful meals. They prefer meals that they like to have six different colors on their plates and seven different components. As we age, food diversity becomes less important as adults only want three of each. If you have picky eaters in your home, adding some colorful micro greens may do the trick.
- There are a lot of meals that can be spruced up with organic micro greens. People often think of micro greens in terms of salads, and they work great in them, but there are almost no dishes that cannot be spruced up by adding flavorful micro greens. From pizza, to omelettes and anything else you and your family enjoy eating, you can change up the taste by adding these young plants.
When you go to your local farmers’ market or to the grocery store that sells organic micro greens, it is worth it to taste a few. They will let you try out the plants before you buy them. This will help you get the right one for your cooking.