There are many interesting peanut facts that people may not realize. And also some myths and facts about peanut allergy symptoms. For instance, did you know that according to the National Peanut Board on average it takes about 540 peanuts to make a 12 ounce jar of peanut butter? Here are 4 common myths all about peanuts that we have debunked.
Myth 1: Peanuts contain GMO’s that cause peanut allergy symptoms
One common myth is that some peanuts contain genetically modified organisms that can cause peanut allergy symptoms, this is false. Almost all peanuts on today’s market are nearly 99.9 percent identical to their ancestors and in fact there are currently no existing GMO peanuts on the market making peanuts a great organic choice.
Myth 2: Peanuts are unhealthy
Another myth that is sometimes circulated is that peanuts are somehow unhealthy, and unless you have peanut allergy symptoms or eat them in excess, peanuts consumed in moderation can actually be apart of a healthy diet. Some of the benefits of eating peanuts include added protein to your diet and a one ounce serving of peanuts is actually a great source protein according to the Food and Drug Administration.
Also another study that looked at peanuts found that upwards of 15,000 American children and adults actually had higher averages of recommended daily allowances of vitamin A, vitamin E, folate, magnesium, zinc, iron, calcium and dietary fiber compared to people who did not include peanuts in there diets and that people who ate peanuts had higher quality diets.
Myth 3: Most children have peanut allergies
Many people believe that most children have some type of peanut allergy and can not eat peanuts or peanut products. In fact about 98 percent of children actually do not have any type of peanut related allergy and can safely enjoy peanuts and food that contains peanut products.
Myth 4: Peanut butter is not really made from peanuts
The belief that there are no actual peanuts in peanut butter is a complete misconception. According to official FDA regulations, all peanut butter most contain at least 90 percent peanuts to be labeled as actual peanut butter. Anything less than this can not be considered peanut butter.
These are just a few of the common myths about peanuts and peanut allergy symptoms among many others. There are actually many peanut benefits that exist and can actually be apart of a healthy and nutritional diet.