It is the first day back to school after a rather rainy and cold Spring Break. With nine straight weeks ahead without a single break even the most excited teachers seem to be dragging their feet. The continued rain and cold temperatures are not helping. Traditionally, on this first day of the fourth quarter of school the principal runs a staff meeting as soon as the students leave the building. Typically, the topic of discussion is next year’s schedule and anticipated classroom assignments.
Knowing that everyone seemed a little more tired than normal, however, the principal came up with a unique idea. The staff was still called to the library and the departments gathered together, prepared to not only talk about ways to get successfully motivate the students to get through these next nine weeks, but also find out what changes might be in sore for next year’s schedule.
As the principal moved to the front of the space, though, she had a rather large and brightly colored canvas bag. Without any delay and nothing more than a warm welcome back, the principal proceeded to distribute brightly colored gelato cups. The distribution of the gelato cups was followed by an unexpected announcement. The discussion of next year’s schedule was being delayed until next week and any teacher who wanted was invited to call it an early day. Every cup that had been handed out could be redeemed for a free frozen treat at a local spot.
Although a few of the staff members stayed and tackled a few tasks in their rooms with the unexpected times, within 30 minutes the majority of the staff was at the gelato store. Using the colorful tiny plastic spoons to sample flavors to decide on the order that they want to place. All smiles. Lots of laughs. Absolutely no thought of the traditional after Spring Break staff meeting.
Ice Cream, Gelato, and Yogurt Are Favorite Treats of Many Americans
You do not have to be a teacher coming back from Spring Break to appreciate an unexpected frozen treat. In fact, many families have a weekly tradition of visiting a local sweet shop, picking up brightly colored gelato cups, and filling them with various flavors and a wide variety of toppings. In fact, the average American will consume ice cream 28.5 times this year.
The fact that 90% of U.S. households regularly indulge in a sweet, frozen treat means that it should come as no surprise that there are as many as 1.5 billion gallons of ice cream and similar desserts produced in the U.S. every single year. Interestingly enough, even with all of the flavors that are available, a recent survey of International Ice Cream Association member companies indicated that vanilla remains the most popular flavor among their consumers, capturing 28% of ice cream lovers.
Whether it is the first day back to school after Spring Break, the first night after starting a new job, or the day that your youngest daughter scored her first soccer goal, it is likely that ice cream, gelato, or yogurt will serve as a worthy way to celebrate.