In the United States, there has been a culture shift that has finally shifted how the average person views their life experiences and methods of consumption. To make this statement simple, younger people live different lives than older people. Thanks to the development of technology and communication, culture has managed to spread throughout society.
People are now more open to experiencing new activities, flavors, and cultures than ever before. This has brought forth a group of people who do not view drinking as just a social activity but as something that is their passion. So many people put great effort into trying new alcohol and even trying a new beer.
Right now nearly 14% of all Americans will consume beer at the very least once a week. This is because there are more and more breweries opening up across the country and more Americans are open to trying out all kinds of flavors and cultures. Here are all of the facts on growler tap beer.
Growlers for sale have become pretty popular in terms of beer. People are now interested in buying themselves or someone they know a stainless steel beer growler keg for a gift of sorts. Understand that right now the craft beer market in the United States has managed to reach a value of nearly $23.5 billion.
In the year of 2015, the average consumer over the age of 21 managed to consume nearly 28 gallons of both cider and beer per person. This again points to the rising popularity of growler tap beer amongst American citizens. Plus, there are plenty of stats that are pointing to the fact that this popularity will most likely never go away.
Just about 84% of all people who like to consume craft beer will buy beer based on the season. So there are some growler tap beers that are great for fall weather, some of the growler tap beers are good for winter weather, and some growler tap beers are designed specifically for the winter season.
In the same year of 2015, stats and data have revealed that the number of breweries operating in the United States managed to grow by 15%. This percentage manage to equate to 4,269 which means that there are now more breweries operating in the United States than ever before. This is a great way to show just how popular growler tap beers have become as well as kinds of beers amongst people in America.
In the same year of 2015, just about 85% of the beer consumed in the United States was actually produced domestically by the United States. This is rather amazing to think, that the United States has managed to have a product that is produced within the country and is popular as well. A Gallup poll from 2016 has revealed that almost 45% of all drinkers prefer to consume beer as opposed to wine and hard liquor.
In Conclusion
The best aspect of the growing popularity of growler tap beer is the fact that it has paved the way for small business owners to finally have power in a market. Right now, just about 12% of the entire beer industry market share is made up of small and independent breweries. This may not seem huge but it is within the beer industry. This is because there are a lot of people who consume beer regularly that prefer to do business with local breweries.