The retail value of the U.S. coffee market is estimated to be $48 billion dollars with specialty comprising approximately 55% value share. A recent study showed that three to five cups of coffee a day can help prevent the cognitive decline associated with aging, leading to a 65% decrease in developing Alzheimer’s or dementia. Coffee preparation at home is up 4 percentage points with 86% of past day coffee drinkers reporting that they made coffee at home.
The Unites States imported about 27.5 million bags of coffee in 2014, accounting for almost one quarter of global coffee un roasted imports, making it the world’s largest single buyer. Recent statistics show that American consumers drank on average 1.64 cups of coffee per day.
Specialty coffees represent 37% of USA coffee cups and are considered the highest quality in the world. There are two primary types of coffee, Arabica and Robusta, and the vast majority of coffee used in the specialty industry is of the Arabica type.
Interesting statistics about consumers of coffee include:
The average coffee cup size is nine ounces.
Consumers drink 65% of all coffee during breakfast hours.
Coffee drinkers consumer 30% of their coffee between meals.
The remaining 5% of coffee is consumed with other meals.
Only 30% of the population drinks coffee occasionally.
Coffee drinkers who prefer black coffee make up 35% of consumers.
Yet, 65% prefer to add sugar and/or cream
150 million Americans, or 50% of the population, drink espresso, cappuccino, latte, or iced/cold coffees.
Since coffee is such a highly sought after beverage, coffee supplies are of utmost importance to many diners, coffee shops, lunch rooms and other eating places. They must always have on hand coffee cups with lids, coffee stirrers, creamer, paper to go coffee cups. For upper class venues, they may offer personalized disposable coffee cups. Those that are trying to make money utilize white disposable coffee cups, wooden coffee stirrers and other wholesale products.
The other significant mainstay of Americans is soup. Americans eat more than ten billion bowls of soup each year. In 2016, 32.1% of deli operations planned to concentrate on enhancing their soup stations. Of interest, women are twice as likely to order soup for lunch as men.
Soup containers are a necessary commodity for most restaurants, offices, and homes. Hot soup containers with lids make up the majority of supplies needed for most take out venues. It is a disaster if hot soups are not packaged well for clients to carry out. Paper soup cups can be a bit risky so most go for a more sturdy soup container.
Research the best and affordable place for your coffee and soup supplies to accommodate your continuing needs.