Be Kind.
Seems like a simple enough request. In reality, challenging a school district full of students, teachers, administrators, and parents to Be Kind is a monumental task. In the city of Omaha, Nebraska, however, the Be Kind challenge is one that is sweeping the entire metropolitan area. From vanilla ice cream cups labeled with the Be Kind mantra to after school sprinkler parties, the 2018 school year is starting with a noble goal: a challenge to treat others kindly.
Whether you are looking for a way to help motivate the students and teachers in your district or you are searching for a way to thank a group of volunteers at the end of a long summer at camp, flavored ice cream cups are a very tasty option.
Screaming for Ice Cream at the End of the Summer
Everyone loves a tasty bowl of ice cream, and the decision to have an ice cream buffet and a end of summer wedding or other celebration is growing increasingly popular. With ice cream party supplies in a variety of colors, in fact, this frozen treat works wonderfully at a high school or college graduation, as well as a wedding or anniversary event. Perhaps one of the reasons that ice cream is such a versatile offering is that as many as 90% of U.S. households admit to regularly indulging in a sweet, frozen treat.
Even at a time when plastic straws are under attack, ice cream parlors find themselves all the fashion if they are a location that has long been offering paper drinking straws for their creations. As families find themselves more and more busy, in fact, it should not come as a surprise that the decision to walk or drive to a local ice cream store is an increasingly popular tradition. Taking the time to step away from the technology and gather around a counter full of frozen treats is a welcome option.
You may not know that nearly 9% of all the milk produced by U.S. dairy farmers is used to produce ice cream or that June is the month when the most ice cream is produced, but you probably know where to find your favorite frozen flavor on any given day or night!