With concerns about environmental changes and their effects on overall health, some people are looking to buy grass fed steaks, other meats, and seafood versus the traditional grain-fed types. Most supermarkets carry grass fed meat for sale, but you can also buy grass fed steaks and meat online from reputable sources. You can even buy wild sockeye salmon online, along with other seafood. Often, grass fed meats and seafood are leaner and cleaner. Also, cooking tips for sustainable meats vary from their grain-fed counterparts because of differences in flavor and saturated fat.
Health benefits abound when it comes to buying grass-fed meat and seafood. For instance, grass-fed cows carry more vitamins A and E, as well as healthy levels of omega-3 fatty acids. Also, grass-fed beef and steaks tend to carry more beta-carotene, up to seven times more, than grain-fed meats.
Some consumers buy grass fed steaks and free range chicken because they are among some of the popular choices entering the sustainable market. According to research, people eat more than 90 pounds of poultry and more than 60 pounds of beef each year. However, consumers also consider products such as dry aged beef for sale online, and free range pork. Compared to grain-fed pigs, pasture pigs carry more nutrients and produce healthier litters. This is because they come raised with more than 70% more selenium in their milk, and up to 300% more vitamin E.
Not only can consumers buy grass fed steaks, but sustainable seafood is also a healthy option. Differences in calories and fat come to mind when considering wild caught alaskan salmon or other sustainable fish. For instance, wild salmon contains less saturated fat compared to farm-raised, which contains three times more saturated fat than recommended. More importantly, farmed salmon includes approximately 27 grams of fat per half filet compared to wild salmon, which contains 13 grams in a half-size filet. And, for those watching their calories, wild salmon has just over 30% fewer calories than farmed-raised, according to research conducted by the National Nutritional Database.
Most people may gravitate toward grass fed steaks, beef, and other choices because the health benefits tend to outweigh those of their grain-fed counterparts. For example, statistics from 2001 note that an estimated 60 to 80% of U.S. livestock were given antibiotics in their grain feed. While antibiotics in this case are used to prevent disease among livestock, medical experts warn that they can increase antibiotic resistance among humans. This means that if a person gets sick from a superbug, antibiotics may not help with treatment.
In addition, people who buy grass fed steaks, and other meats and seafood note the cleanliness compared to grain-fed options. According to a 2011 study by the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases, almost 50% of meat and poultry available in grocery stores contained Staph bacteria that can make people sick. Possible factors include the use of antibiotics in grain feed and improper handling of the meat and poultry. Such risks make grass fed steaks and meats more attractive as a clean-eating alternative.
Consumers who switch to grass fed meats and seafood should also consider the differences in cooking compared to their grain-fed counterparts. Because there is less fat in grass fed meats, you can reduce their cooking time to avoid overcooking. It also helps to lower the temperature on the stove or oven a little so the meat cooks completely without burning.
Typically, reduced fat often means reduced flavor, so you can add seasonings, vegetables such as chopped onions or sun-dried tomatoes, and even grated cheese to make the grass-fed beef, poultry, or fish more flavorful. It also helps to add cooking spray or olive oil to prevent the meat or seafood from sticking or drying out.
Although the healthier alternative of buying grass fed beef, poultry, and seafood accounts for less than 10% of all meat sales in the United States, the option to switch to grass fed appears to be a growing trend. Most grocery stores, health food markets, and online retailers provide the option to buy grass fed steaks and other choices for better health.
What are your reasons for making the switch to grass fed meat and seafood? Share in the comments below.